Thursday, March 12, 2009

Not to be to overzealous here, but I wanted to add another post right off the bat. Last night I was playing a gig here in town with Jarrod Tyler ( and I got there early and was able to catch the first act of the night. Honestly, I don't remember the name of the first act, but her bass player was incredible! He not only played outstanding and heartfelt bass, he provided the duo's percussion using his mouth - I wouldn't exactly call it beat boxing, but pretty close. Later in the night he performed again - this time solo - while standing on a shallow box with a hole cut in the side, mic'd up with a kick mic. He tapped on this with his foot while he played and it provided an amazing kick drum sound! His songs were great, his technique impeccable, but most of all, his emotion and connection to the music was so powerful and empowering - it was one of the most inspirational nights of music I've had in a long, long while.

Do yourselves a favour and check out this amazing bass player - his name is Dino Dinicolo and you can find him at



The first step!

Ok, this is my first blog attempt EVER! Can you smell the excitement in the air? In upcoming posts, I hope to share my thoughts on the role of the bass in popular music, ideas and philosophies about bass playing, and I plan to detail my progress within the Vancouver/Canadian/International music industry - hope some of you out there will follow along!

